
Usage :

To write spec files, follow the indications provided in Kahlan documentation. You first have to create a folder named spec at the root of your project, on the same level as your src. You must then replicate your src's folder architecture, and create a file named after each one of the original files you want to test, changing its extension to .spec.php

Example adapted from Kahlan Documentation :

├── spec
│   └── AppBundle
│       ├── Controller
│       │   └── AppController.spec.php
│       └── AppBundle.spec.php
├── src
│   └── AppBundle
│       ├── Controller
│       │   └── AppController.php
│       └── AppBundle.php
├── composer.json
└── README.md

In those spec files, you will write your specs using the DSL syntax. Kahlan being Behaviour Driven, it provides functions that allow you to clearly describe what you expect your code to do. Simply declare a context for your class with a describe(), in which you will declare a subcontext for each function of your class.

Example :


use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use AppBundle\AppController;

describe('AppController', function () {
    describe('indexAction', function () {
        it('returns a Response object', function () {
            $controller = new AppController();
            $result     = $controller->indexAction();

Check Kahlan's documentation for more on spec writing principles.

Once your spec files are written, simply call php app/console kahlan:run. All options mentioned in Kahlan's documentation are available.